The extended sugar family (Mmmmmm)
People still ask me every now and then, "are you still sugar free?" and I have started having trouble answering. I used to say 'yes' but now I'm not so sure. Let me elaborate.
I eat fruit, honey and drink milk, daily. They all contain sugar of some kind (fructose - fruit/honey and lactose in the milk). To go even further, I eat bread, rice and pasta (not so often) which all contain carbohydrates, which gets converted to glucose (type of sugar) in our body. I know it sounds like I’m being technical, but it is this sense of confusion, which makes making healthy choices too bloody confusing. It is this exact confusion and grey area which has made product labelling in Australia misleading.
Check out this definition of sugar...
If you believe the above to be true, like me, then I don't know a single soul that is sugar free. This also makes recipes difficult to decipher. I've seen a new 'sugar free chocolate ebook coming out soon - but who are we kidding? Sugar free chocolate... please!!! I'd love to know your thoughts on this. Am I thinking about this too much? But for me, if a well known celebrity can advertise a sugar free chocolate cookbook, then why can't Cadbury bring out a sugar free chocolate bar? Furthermore, I don't know how many times I've been offered a sugar free dish - full of fruit, sultanas, juice, syrup of some kind or vanilla. I do it myself. I cooked a baked fruit cake lastnight. It had pineapple juice, grated apple, pear and pineapple - but I called it sugar free, no wonder it was so sweet. I munched on a sugar free cocao coconut ball table sugar, but honey and sultanas. Are we really eating sugar free? I'm sure anyone on a paleo diet would beg to differ and I can see why. THen I get thinking... should I... could I... would I... cut out bread, rice, pasta, crackers, startch etc..... A point for me to ponder.
Anyhow, I'm sure you get my point and my dilemma. I feel like I'm going around in circles every time I think about it. What do you think? Please write a comment below.
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